Chapter 63 - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 63: Assimilation Fighters

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Li Wenyuan had never thought that a species could be so disgusting.


Looking at the message Gray Wind sent to him, he even wondered why the humans had taken in this thing in the first place.

The Gundam, which Gray Wind had transformed into, eventually split into a group of nanorobotic storms because the natives encountered in this section of the circular world did not make any resistance.

They didn’t react to Gray Wind’s arrival. She had no choice but to use this method to conduct a large-scale scan and analysis.

“…The genes of these natives are obviously man-made and compiled. Although they can produce offspring through natural reproduction, the stable genetic code will also be passed on.”

“At least I’ve already seen a few genes that can make organic lifeform docile…Also, there are obvious signs of spiritual castration. Everything they have is for the sake of their loyalists, even if their loyalists don’t see them as ‘people’.”

“Besides …” At this point, Gray Wind’s voice also became somewhat strange.


“In their genes, there’s another gene that will make them…delicious.”

“Delicious?” Li Wenyuan didn’t react in time when he heard this word.

However, he immediately understood the meaning behind it.

“..These natives are being used as food?”

“I think so,” Gray Wind regathered into a human form and strolled along the city streets.

No one would have thought such vile behavior existed in a city that looked modern and civilized.

The high-rise buildings with various functions looked like cages now. They were built by the superiors out of interest for the natives.

The natives also looked at the alien on the street, who was completely different from them. Although they were curious, no one came over to ask.

After their spiritual castration, they basically had no sense of self and would not do anything other than follow orders.

“From the video files that are still being played here, we can basically confirm that the real controller of the natives is a species called ‘Cannibal’.”

Gray Wind pressed her hand on an advertising screen. It was still playing all kinds of brainwashing remarks:

“Thank the Cannibal! He has given you space to live!”

“Thank the Cannibal! He has given you the meaning of life!”

“Thank the Cannibal! This great ring is the proof of his great power!”

The nanobot then corroded the advertising screen and instantly turned it into a pile of scrap metal.

What the Cannibals did was worse than slavery.

Regarding intelligent lifeforms as food had always been an extremely serious taboo in interstellar space.

The civilizations that dared to do such things would basically cut off all contact with the galaxy. Both sides would regard each other as “untouchable”, and wars initiated for various reasons were normal.

And this species that called themselves Cannibals might seem to have evolved their civilization to a certain extent, but they didn’t want to make any progress. Not only did they occupy a residence that didn’t belong to them, but they also enjoyed all kinds of extravagant lives and cultivated a disgusting custom.

This made Li Wenyuan develop some kind of impulse.

He looked at a piece of technology on the technology tree he had seen before but did not pay much attention to.

[Project Colossus]

[Technology level: 6]

[Introduction: Galaxy has not always been so friendly. After witnessing too much deception and betrayal, vulgarity, and hatred, we have decided to solve these problems once and for all by ourselves. We will no longer pay attention to the evaluation of others. An accelerated full-scale war will be part of the merger, and all resisters on the way will become proof of our “efficiency”.]

[Possible technology: Natural Disaster Plan (o%)]

This was a technology that would unlock a special ship model that could carry all kinds of planetary obliteration weapons.

Li Wenyuan had once thought that he would never use this technology, but now it seemed that not all lifeforms deserved to be treated kindly.

“…The Cannibals have genetically modified many of the species under their control. According to the proportion of residents in this city, races seen as ‘food’ take up 80%, possibly to satisfy their diverse tastes.”

Gray Wind flew back to the sky above the city and sat in Li Wenyuan’s research spaceship. She remade a shrunken model of the circular world in her hand.

“What are you going to do? Chase away all the natives, including the Cannibals? Or rather…Like this?” As she spoke, she crushed the model in her hand and turned it into a cloud of nano dust before it returned to her body.

However, Li Wenyuan shook his head and said, “These genetically modified natives have been completely tamed. They seem to be a large number, but they don’t even occupy 1% of the living area of this circular world.”

“They’re quite pitiful. I have a way of making them a part of me and letting them do some simple work.”

“As for the Cannibals, they deserve ‘better’ treatment…Have you heard of ‘bio-electricity’?”

The synthetic humanoids brought by the engineering vessel and the transport ship had begun the repair work of the control center in the first section of the circular world.

Of course, in addition to this, there was also a huge spaceship floating in this section of the circular world that was slowly transforming. It aimed a cannon muzzle-like device at the surface of the circular world.

It was a “Colossus”, a Star Destroyer that Li Wenyuan created by making the giant dock work overtime and even borrowing part of the production capacity of Gray Wind’s “the lost nano empire”.

He naturally could not bear to destroy such a perfect circular world, nor did he want to kill all the natives on it, but he could not bear to see the Cannibals abusing their power on it.

However, to prevent the Cannibals from escaping, this type of planetary obliteration weapon became his choice.

[Nano Plague]

[Component: Planetary obliteration weapons]

[Introduction: The huge nano torrent will sweep away all the organic lifeform here. The nanobots will forcefully implant electronic implants into the population and “assimilate” them into one of us.]

To a certain extent, the “Nano Plague” could be considered a “mind controller” in artificial intelligence countries. It could transform the organic population into an artificial population and then, through electronic implants, connect them to the consciousness of the artificial intelligence’s format tower.

Li Wenyuan didn’t have such an idea in the past, but the behavior of the Cannibals successfully made him decide to use this weapon.

He would control all the native lifeforms in this circular world, then find the Cannibals and use them to generate electricity.

These well-fed guys could probably be good bio-batteries even if part of their bodies were modified into artificial forms.

The Colossus’s Nano Plague began to launch, and a cluster of flashing silver beams rushed into the atmosphere of the circular world.

The Cannibals on the surface were already crying for their parents when they saw the giant spaceship in the sky. Now, they were running for their lives.

“My family has over 60 people, and I have old and young people at home! 1 beg you to let me go!” An old Cannibal who could not run knelt on the ground, pleading for mercy.

He was an old man who had to eat five meals a day, but it was only then that he began to regret being so greedy.

Seeing that the silver beam was only heading towards him, he closed his eyes in despair.

However, the expected pain did not come. Instead, he only felt a little itchy. He opened his eyes in confusion, only to find that the silver beams were actually all nanobots, and they seemed to be modifying his body.

He was stunned at first, then overjoyed. He began to praise the sky, thinking that this was a gift that could let him get rid of the shackles of his body.

However, just as the nano torrent left and he thought the transformation was completed, he was shocked to find that he could not stand up.

It was as if the control of his body had been handed over to someone else. He could only watch as his body took him to an unknown place.

While the Cannibals were forced to move in one direction, the other races who were not modified were not in the same situation.

A little girl of the “015” race looked curiously at the silver beam around her. With the help of the electronic implant, she found that she could see and understand more things.

Although she had been drawn to become “food” to be fed to the Cannibals, the Cannibal had chased her back because she had too little meat. She had been sad for a long time because of that.

But now, after connecting with the mechanical consciousness, she suddenly felt that everything in the world was so interesting. She should not be “food” but should experience the bigger world.

Finally, she raised her head and looked at the giant battleship in the sky, launching the silver torrent, with bright eyes.

The nano torrent quickly swept through this section of the circular world, not letting go of any organic forms.

Li Wenyuan gathered all the Cannibals and stuffed them into the “biochemical generator” he had prepared earlier, which acted as a bio-battery connecting to the electric net.

There would be professionals to maintain these bio-batteries to ensure that they are in good physical condition. Until the end of their lives, these “batteries” would continue to generate electricity.

When Li Wenyuan saw the large group of sub-consciousness that suddenly appeared, he set up the most outstanding sub-body as the sub-center. He made it the control center of these newly advanced artificial people. Then, he moved it into his “subordinate hub”.

After thinking of a few names that he was not satisfied with, he looked at the content of the signals pouring out of the sub-consciousness. After some thought, he named these artificial people “Assimilation Fighters”..