Chapter 62 - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 62: The “Controller” of the Ring Section?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Gundam that Gray Wind transformed into landed at the location Li Wenyuan had specified.


It was one of the control centers of the “circular world”, responsible for maintaining the normal operation of various facilities in the section of the circular world she was at.

Not all of the rings in the circular world were residential areas. For the convenience of maintenance, it was artificially divided into four sections. Each section of the circular world was independent of the other and isolated by the “circular world connection structure”.

Although the total habitable area would be smaller, this would actually make the circular world more stable.

The “circular world connection structure” would cut off the connection in time when a problem occurred in a particular section of the circular world, preventing a chain reaction caused by the damage of that circular world’s section which could have led to the collapse of the entire circular world.

Although the four control centers of the circular world had been destroyed, Li Wenyuan still started his inspection of the control center sequentially from the circular world’s first section.

Not long after, Gray Wind sent him a message that he had expected. “…This place seems to have been destroyed in a planned manner.”


“At least this species is very familiar with the composition and operation of the circular world. They destroyed most of the control center but left its life-support system intact. It’s hard to not think that this is an act of conspiracy.”

The control center of the circular world was not a small building like the size of a research institute. It was an integrated super megacity.

To maintain the normal operation of various functions in such a huge circular world, only a cluster of buildings of this size could accommodate every line of the control center.

Also, it had a certain level of self-repairing ability, so it was basically a control center that could eliminate the uncivilized natives destroying it.

However, it was obviously abnormal for the damage to be so calculated. Li Wenyuan had thought that there would be some systems left to control the research section and the industrial section, but they were all destroyed. Only the necessary life-support system was still intact.

From the looks of it, the native civilizations here might know more about this circular world than he did.

“So…This is considered forced occupation?” Li Wenyuan could basically confirm that the natives of this circular world had selectively damaged the control center to prevent him or the humans from recycling the circular world.

Because even the control systems of the research and industrial sections in the circular world had been destroyed. This meant that the controllers of these sections would rather give up on improving themselves than allow someone to regain control of the circular world with these systems.

If it weren’t that the life-support system was necessary, they might have completely destroyed the entire control center.

“…With such behavior, I can’t allow you to continue living here.”

Li Wenyuan shook his head. The fleet in the solar system was ready to warp over. At the same time, he sped up the construction of land combat units.

If the natives of the circular world lived in peace, he could consider letting them stay.

After all, the circular world was so large that it was more than enough to accommodate a group of creatures that had once settled here.

However, Li Wenyuan couldn’t accept their current attempt to occupy the place forcefully. He didn’t want a group of traitors in his territory who could betray at any time.

He didn’t know if the natives in the other three circular world sections had the same situation and purpose.

If it were the same situation, he could only lament that humans had met the wrong “race”.

“Let’s go. Let’s see what kind of race wants to be the master of this circular world.”

“That’s great! Will this be my first battle since 1 left the ‘distant star cluster’?”

Gray Wind began to travel at high speed in the circular world. One of Li Wenyuan’s fleets had also warped to this galaxy, waiting for the appropriate instructions.

Just then, in a city in the “night of circular world”, many Cannibal nobles were in a relaxed state, waiting for the service of the “inferior species”.

From their appearance, the Cannibals seemed to be a race that had evolved from rodents. They were born with a sneaky look.

However, years of pampering had made them somewhat similar to a species that only knew about eating and sleeping. Fat heads and big ears had become their characteristics.

Ever since they realized that the civilization that had taken them in had stopped appearing, their desires rapidly expanded.

With the help of technology in the circular world, they developed the technology to what they thought was enough. Then they burned the control center, leaving only the necessary facilities.

They believed that this would stop that civilization from taking back the circular world, and they would become the true masters of this circular world.

Then, they fell into an extremely extravagant and depraved life. As time passed, they even developed some terrifying and disgusting hobbies.

“Then, the God of Darkness once again envelopes the sky. This time, who will be lucky enough to become food for the great Cannibal nobles?”

On the television, a Cannibal host pulled out an electronic screen. On it, countless numbers were flashing rapidly, as if they would fix at a certain number at any moment.

A little girl in front of the television watched this scene attentively, looking forward to something.

Unlike the Cannibals on television, she was of the “015” race. Although she was also an evolved version of some kind of rodent, in the eyes of the Cannibals, the “015” race was just a kind of food.

For as long as she could remember, she had heard of this “Random Number” ritual that would be held daily. The chosen one would have the opportunity to obtain the supreme glory of being fed to the Cannibals.

Because of that, she had always yearned to be chosen, and her parents had also prayed for her behind her.

“The grand prize has been announced! Let us congratulate the lucky ones: 172532, 291230, 870632…”

The little girl’s eyes were shining, and she soon cheered.

“Father, Mother! I got it!”

At a young age, she might not understand the concept of “filling the appetite”, but her parents still looked at her with gentle expressions as if they were happy from the bottom of their hearts.

“It’s your honor, 3713302.”

“We’ll be happy for you, 3713302. Let’s go, don’t let the adults wait.”

“Ok!” The girl, who was very sensitive to the string of numbers, nodded hard. It was her “name”, a “code name” given to her since she was born.

Then, she walked out of the room. Outside, the “002” race responsible for protecting the Cannibals would take her away to become food on the noble’s table.

Such a terrifying scene happened from time to time in the city, but no one had any doubts.

It was as if all the creatures in this circular world, except the Cannibals, had been “tamed” and would not resist..