Chapter 54 - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 54: Gray Wind

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The mobile energy source on this last planet didn’t seem right no matter how he looked at it. Li Wenyuan also raised his vigilance.


“There’s still someone alive? Is it the Gray in the incomplete records?”

He had seen the last message in the record, and combined with the previous few words, he could roughly guess what happened to the nanobots.

In the beginning, the gate builders had caused the nanobots to go out of control. After a long remedy, they decided to block themselves and the out-of-control nanobots in this distant star cluster and fight to the death.

As a result, the gate builder failed, and the entire civilization disappeared with the wind, leaving behind only these out-of-control nanobots and the locked stargate left in the galaxy.

However, these out-of-control nanobots gradually developed intelligence after being sealed for a long time.

It could be because they were bored, or it could be because they were curious.


These nanobots had disguised themselves as their creator’s civilization and established a fake Desanur Union, waiting for someone to open the stargate from the outside.

One day, the door did open, and the bored nanobots immediately went up to them enthusiastically, wanting to see what the galaxy outside looked like.

Unfortunately, the person who opened the door wasn’t very friendly, or perhaps it was because their poor imitation had been seen through.

All in all, these nanobots had been hit where it hurt, and they launched an attack in anger.

Then, they were beaten up and almost turned into the dust of history with their creator.

Li Wenyuan guessed that the civilization that taught these nanobots a lesson was most likely humans. After all, all the clues pointed to the fact that the gate builder had met human beings when building the stargate and had a certain degree of connection.

In that era where there were not many natives, he felt that only humans could have such combat power.

However, humans at that time did not choose to destroy the nanobots. Instead, they blocked the door again, as if they wanted the nanobots to calm down.

After that, this level went on for who knew how many years. Even the humans themselves had disappeared, as if they had forgotten about the distant star cluster.

And these nanobots might have found a suitable path through constant self-reflection and self-evolution.

In the beginning, they might have been trying to create organic life. The incomplete records mentioned that they had created a kind of giant beast, but Li Wenyuan wasn’t sure what it was.

After continuous trial and error and deduction, these nanobots finally combined all their thoughts into one consciousness, and they obtained their results.

The compound nanobot named Gray was swaying on the surface of the planet.

Li Wenyuan’s research spaceship had already approached the planet full of nanobots, and the images captured by the drones were quickly uploaded to the spacecraft.

The content of the scene also surprised Li Wenyuan.

A female human was walking in an almost vacuum environment without any protective equipment or life support.

Even if they were directly exposed to cosmic radiation, they didn’t show any discomfort and still lived very freely.

Li Wenyuan, who already knew that Gray was a super lifeform, didn’t care much about her ability to move around in space. What surprised him was that Gray had the appearance of a human!

Obviously, the civilization that beat up the nanobots in the records was human. Otherwise, there was no reason for a person who had been locked up in a distant star cluster for at least a million years to adopt a human appearance.

The compound nanobot sensed the drone’s approach, but she didn’t show any surprise. Instead, she looked bored.

“Hello, my dear compatriots. How is everyone doing? I… 1 don’t have any interest in playing right now. If you have anything to say, wait until my sleep cycle is over.

“Ah! Did 1 make a mistake? Wait a minute… Let me think… All, right. Uh-huh.

“Sorry, I thought it was a toy that split off me. I just remembered that 1 haven’t played like this in a long time.

“That’s right, that’s right. It’s obvious that I’m not a human at all, nor am 1 a living creature. I’m not even one of you. So, what do you want?”

This compound nanobot’s mental state seemed abnormal, or perhaps she was born like this. There was a certain degree of confusion in her words.

However, Li Wenyuan still noticed that she seemed to know about humans, and she seemed to be someone he could communicate with.

Thus, after thinking for a moment, Li Wenyuan decided to ask step by step, “Please state your identity first.”

“Identity? Alright, I thought that you would be able to determine something after looking at the surroundings. Where should I start?”

“How troublesome. All in all, we are a group of nanobots that our creator called the Gray Storm. We destroyed our creator and then conducted a series of experiments over a long period of time.

“I am the result of our experiment. Now, the entire Gray Storm, or whatever you call it, is gathered on me. My consciousness represents our entire civilization.

“As for my appearance… It was because a civilization that called themselves human had come here and left some… It’s a very enlightening thing.”

“I really like one of the games called stellaxxx, so 1 designed my appearance as an existence similar to me inside.

“Oh, why would I talk about so many irrelevant things? is it really because 1 haven’t talked to anyone other than myself in a long time? I’m sure you guys won’t mind me talking to myself like this, right?”

She had said a lot of things. Although they seemed irrelevant to her, they were very important in Li Wenyuan’s eyes.

“It’s indeed a human. It’s rare to see someone who has personally witnessed the existence of humans.”

Just as he was about to continue asking, he saw the compound nanobot looking around anxiously.

“What are you looking at?”

“Since you’ve entered this place, it means that this place is no longer sealed, right? I have to admit that I’ve been bored of the countryside life here recently.”

“Since the stargate leading to the outside world is open again, perhaps I should get in touch with some new things. Do you have any suggestions?”

Did she want to go out?

Li Wenyuan was stunned and didn’t want to let her go. Putting aside the fact that these nanobots were no longer a threat to him, the fact that she might know a lot of things from ancient times was enough to attract Li Wenyuan’s attention.

As for how to make her stay…

Li Wenyuan’s eyes flickered when he saw that she hadn’t shown any signs of danger and was curious about everything in the outside world. He said, “You can join us. I can help you better understand the outside world.”

“Yes, join… Wait a minute? Join you? Join you? Do you want me to throw myself into the arms of an alien civilization I’m meeting for the first time? I really… I simply… Wait, let me make myself clear!

“Do you really think that I will pledge my loyalty to you? Even though I know nothing about your strange empire and the history behind it? You’re not joking, right?

“I can’t believe you would make such a suggestion. 1 really don’t know what you’re thinking… Uh… Actually… On second thought, fine, why not?

“Let me join you, I’m serious! 1 feel that we will get along very well! And this would be an exciting interstellar adventure! 1 will be loyal to you for the next 2000 years. No, let’s make that 5000 years!”

He had really conned her… All, no, she was convinced…

Li Wenyuan didn’t expect the compound nanobot to agree so easily, so much so that all the excuses he had thought of in advance didn’t come in handy.

As expected, her mental state was not normal. Was it because she had been locked up in the distant star cluster for too long?

However, he was still wary of the nanobot assembly for the time being. After all, her predecessor had once destroyed her creator.

Even though he seemed to have turned over a new leaf, he still needed to pay more attention to him.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Li Wenyuan asked for her name, “What should 1 call you? Should 1 just call you Gray?”

“How should you call me? This kind of thing doesn’t matter, let’s hurry up and have a thrilling alien adventure!” “Since your creator called you the Gray Storm, then I’ll call you Gray Wind.”

“Gray Wind? Not bad, let’s start!”