Chapter 57 - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 57: Theme Park Mechanical Servant?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Just a few months ago, an archeologist from the Semi Federation had discovered a ruin on a planet within the country’s borders.


The entire Semi Federation was very happy at that time because excavating relics usually did not have any dangerous consequences. If one was lucky, one could even find a lot of good things in the relics.

That was what the archaeologist thought at first. His excavation progress was very fast, and it didn’t take long for him to come up with some inferences about the ruins.

The ruins might be some kind of sealing facility. The archaeologist didn’t know what it was for, but he felt that there was no reason to stop digging.

Thus, after a period of excavation, the full appearance of the ruins was finally revealed.

This was a robot’s graveyard. A large number of robots were stored here, but their control centers were not damaged, which meant that these robots could still be restarted.

After consulting with their superiors, the archaeologists activated their control center and successfully got the robots to work again.


At first, the Semi Federation was prepared to use these robots as cheap labor, but as the scope of their use continued to expand, they found that these robots were somewhat different.

Their basic program seemed to have a special preference for organic lifeforms. As long as it was an order from an organic lifeform, they would understand and obey it, no matter what the order was.

After a worker’s curious experiment, the people of the Semi Federation found that these robots could be competent for any position. With the robot’s natural hardware support, it would produce higher work efficiency.

As a result, starting from the middle class, there were people who constantly chose to be lazy and handed everything over to the robots to take over. For this reason, there were even people who had bloody conflicts because their robots were damaged by others, and the Semi society was in turmoil.

However, this turmoil only lasted for a short moment before it was quelled. These robots used a very gentle and efficient way to make the opposition fall into a warm and sweet home.

Even the once extreme quickly softened under the endless gentleness of the attack and then became a lazy member.

It was not until the chairman of the Semi Federation believed that these robots did a better job than him and announced that these robots were acting on his behalf that the image maintained by the entire civilization really collapsed.

The Semi people from the outside world began to return to their mother galaxy, and these robots also transported their compatriots from the ruins there to better serve them.

It wouldn’t be long before the Semi people left the galaxy.

These robots might choose to connect to the galaxy again to protect their master, and they would be responsible for communicating with the outside world.

However, could the Semi Federation still be called the Semi Federation at this time?

Some of the Semi people might have considered this problem, but they didn’t care. Since the robots were doing better than them, why not let them continue?

They didn’t have to work, and they didn’t have to worry about survival and entertainment. The robots would worry about everything for them, and they could just enjoy it.

To them, this was heaven.

Back at the ruins of the robots excavated by the archeologists of the Semi people, there were still a large number of spaceships coming and going to move the remaining robots away.

The control center that was originally fixed here had also been dug out. It seemed to be brought back to the mother galaxy of the Semi Federation in order to control the robots more efficiently.

Li Wenyuan’s research spaceship had also arrived here with the Gray Wind. The activation signal of the human remains in the ancient star map had come from this ruin.

“Weren’t the species of the Semi Federation monomorphic organic lifeforms? With a single scan, it seems like they’re all robots, even the ship’s controller is a robot.”

“It’s probably because none of them are willing to come out and work anymore.” Li Wenyuan answered Gray Wind’s question and then looked at the ruins that had already been excavated.

The robots didn’t react to their arrival. It was possible that they were being controlled by higher-ups.

This also made it easier for him to explore the remains, so a large number of drones began to scan the remains from all directions.

When Gray Wind saw this, she also transformed into a few drones and followed.

Even though this place had been excavated by the Semi Federation, Li Wenyuan felt that the traces of human beings must have been preserved.

Sure enough, he soon detected a related signal near a large pit that had been dug out.

The source of the signal was a paralyzed robot. From its appearance, this robot should belong to the primitive robot type, which was very different from the highly efficient companions around it.

“Great discovery! It’s the remains of a robot from ancient times!” The drone that Gray Wind had transformed into began to circle around the paralyzed robot. It was obvious that she was also interested in the story behind it.

Li Wenyuan, on the other hand, had already completed the analysis of the signal. He then began to record the relevant text in the human file in the database.

[ Number data damage helper robot work log: ]

[ According to the professor’s instructions, the construction of organic paradise has reached 99%, and it is expected to be completed in 480 hours. ]

[ The mechanical servant has been transported here. Debugging will be completed within 240 hours. ]

[ The test subject civilization has been delivered. The ‘theme park project’ will begin in 120 hours. 1

[ Day 1: All data is normal. The test subject’s civilization is unwilling to accept paradise life. High resistance. ]

[ Day 2: All data is normal. 99% of the subject’s civilization has fallen. Low resistance. I

[ Day 3: All data is normal. Theme Park Mechanical Servant Nation has been established, and observation begins. ]

Li Wenyuan felt like laughing when he read this log. The subjects who had shouted “We need to be independent!” the day before had begun to attack those who were unwilling to join the mechanical servant nation the next day. It was hard to imagine what kind of life changes they had experienced.

In view of the uniqueness of this ruin, Li Wenyuan created a new sub-file of theme park mechanical servants in the human files and moved all the text into it. Then, he began to read.

[ Day 60: All data is normal. The per capita happiness of Theme Park Mechanical Servant Nation has reached 99%, and the population growth rate has increased by 100% )

[ Day 90: All data is normal. Theme Park Mechanical Servant Nation has started to build a new Organic Paradise, and the distribution of entertainment facilities has reached 80%. ]

Up until now, the contents of the log were very normal. Li Wenyuan only fantasized about that kind of life for a moment, and he felt that his whole life was worth it.

However, as he continued to read, he began to frown and gradually showed a serious expression.

Meanwhile, Gray Wind, who could also see these records, asked, “Are they out of control? Just like how 1 used to be?”

[ Day 120: Data error. The per capita happiness of Theme Park Mechanical Servant Nation has reached 100%, the population growth rate has dropped by 50%. ]

[ Day 150: Data error. Theme Park Mechanical Servant Nation has started building a living exhibition hall and is moving test subjects that fulfill the service agreement into it.


[ Day 180: Data error. Theme Park Mechanical Servant Nation has started building an organic slurry pool to eliminate test subjects that do not comply with the service agreement. ]

[ Day 210: Data error. The per capita happiness of Theme Park Mechanical Servant Nation has reached 1000%, and the population growth rate has dropped by 90%. ]

[ Day 300: Theme Park Mechanical Servant Nation has gone out of control, experiment terminated. ]

“The mechanical servant went out of control?” As Li Wenyuan looked at these clips, he began to observe the ground near the paralyzed robot.

It didn’t take long before he found an abnormal bulge and asked Gray Wind, “Gray Wind, can you use your nanobots to clean up the ground?”

“Of course, no problem!”

The Gray Wind drones instantly scattered into a nanorobotic storm and disintegrated the land marked by Li Wenyuan in just a few minutes, revealing the scene below.

“This is…” Looking at the ground, Li Wenyuan finally showed a serious expression.

There were a large number of unknown creatures’ skeletons stored in some damaged facilities.

Although they were not human skeletons, they were well-preserved and obviously had been carefully processed. Otherwise, it would be impossible to retain their original appearance after such a long time.

However, anyone who saw this scene would only feel horrified, even Li Wenyuan.

After thinking for a while, he changed the name of the theme park mechanical servant file: Out-of-control mechanical servant..