Chapter 9 - Because I simply love you

Chapter 9: Who is that girl?

At exactly 7.30, Chen Jianyu came to pick up his mother, where she was already waiting for him.

“Jianyu! You are finally here. Hmph! Do you even realize that you have a mother? I’m very upset. Is work now the only thing left in your life? How will you get a wife if you behave like this? Nobody will want such a husband like you!” she started complaining.

“I was really busy, Mom. Anyways cheer up already. Come on, we are going to be late. Let’s go.”

“You just know how to divert the conversation. Don’t even think that this discussion is over, son. We need to have some serious talk about your priorities, which right now should be to find a kind and decent girl for you to marry.”

Here we go again. They haven’t even left the house, and his mother has already started the whole ‘find-a-girl-and-quickly-give-me-a-grandchild’ talk. He can’t imagine how he will survive the entire dinner.

After her rambling about marriage the whole way too, they finally reached their destination.

They got out to see a not too big but a not too small either establishment. ‘Natsukashi’ was what the signboard said.

Chen Jianyu was surprised that this was the place chosen. It certainly was not like those posh high-class hotels and restaurants that cater to people with a wealthy background. But it somehow gave a very homely feeling. Like it was the perfect place to return to after a day’s hard work.

He could see why Assistant Yao selected this place. It would surely have something to do with Mom’s condition to have a different place to dine as opposed to the usual five-star hotels. He knew her too well.

Mother Chen exclaimed. “This place is so beautiful! It is giving such a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Like I already know this place and have returned after a long time. And even the name of this place is… it’s a Japanese word, right? Doesn’t it mean nostalgia?”

“Yes, Mom. That’s exactly it.” Chen Jianyu was also having those similar thoughts.

“Then isn’t it even more meaningful? I think the owner wants to say something through it? Or give a message? I get the feeling that the owner has put a lot of thought into it.” Mother Chen said. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go. I can’t wait to get inside.” She got excited like a little kid.

They went inside, and its interior certainly didn’t disappoint them. The walls contained a mixture of traditional Chinese and Japanese artworks. There were even some paintings; probably handmade by the owner, that gave the place a quite welcoming and familiar feeling. The lighting was perfect, not too dim but not too bright either. The low, soft music playing in the background added to give a relaxing atmosphere like all the sore muscles are loosened up.

“I love this place already! Why didn’t we find this place earlier? I can come here every day! And I am 200% sure that the food would be as amazing as this place. I can just feel it.” Mother Chen was already drooling. She had completely forgotten her etiquette.

“Where did you hide the noble and well-mannered lady I know of?” The son had to remind his mother.

She scowled. “Pah! You are so stiff. Precisely because I didn’t want to act like that, I had asked Assistant Yao to find such a place.” Mother Chen pouted. “And I must say he has done an excellent job. I will give him a hefty raise for it.”

Chen Jianyu was also quite impressed with the place. He felt like it was a long time since he enjoyed coming to any place.

A waitress by the name He Xiaoli came to greet them.

“Good evening Mam, Sir. How may I help you?”

“We have a reservation with the name of Chen’s,” said Chen Jianyu.

“Sure, sir. Just a minute.”

Natsukashi usually worked on a first-come-first-serve basis. But there was an option to make a reservation if there is any special event or a celebration. In their case, Assistant Yao had said that the mother-son duo wanted to spend time together which Nana found to be quite touching. Not every event is a celebration.

He Xiaoli came back. “Yes, sir. Please come this way.”

She led them to a quiet corner table for two near the big glass windows. One could see the outside hustle and bustle. They weren’t worried about anybody recognizing them since they hardly ever appeared in front of the media. Plus nobody would dare to report it either-even if somebody saw.

After placing their order, Mother Chen started nagging about what Chen Jianyu was worried about the most.

“So, have you thought about marriage?”

“Mom. Please, not this again.”

“Why you -“

She was going to nag him again when she saw a girl through the large glass windows.

She couldn’t help but notice her. Suddenly she asked Chen Jianyu.

“Who is that girl?”