Chapter 196 - Be Happy With Sports

Chapter 196 New Challenges 1

Jake caught five rebounds and made 3 steals in this first period, even though it wasn't as good as in the last game everyone could see that Jake was trying hard to beat this record after a while the second period began.

Even though it was impossible to win the game, the opposing team still tried to take advantage of the Elite team's defenses of that game to score more points, which was what the Elite team wanted because Jake would have more opportunities to rebound and steal.

Jake in all attacks still made the move normally before receiving the ball again to make another shot from outside, the opposing PG knew that this was not an ordinary game and did not force much in defense and did not try to make fouls.

What many wondered was how Jake didn't get tired after making so many plays in this and the last game, even if he could finish a 32-minute game wasn't that impressive because the players weren't always trying hard.

In many plays the player just walked around the court until the team made the points, in more difficult games it was normal to see the players get tired and replaced, but Jake seemed never tired.

Some reporters just knew how Eric was because Jake could also run a marathon if a person can run a marathon, he can play to the fullest in a 32-minute basketball game.

So the game went on, by the end of the second period Jake had scored 94 points, he managed to score fewer points in the second period, but everyone was already impressed by that, almost 100 points in 16 minutes were impressive to anyone.

Jake was still in the mindset of just firing off that game, so even though he missed a few he was counting on Mark to rebound to try again, Jake tried 18 off shots during that time and hit 14 of them, and the other 2 points. were in a dunk after a steal.

He also got 9 rebounds and 7 steals in total, so the triple Double was on the way too, even though Mark had given up on the defensive rebounds so Jake had 7 rebounds in the game already, Eric and reporters were impressed with that.

Anyone can get a lot of shots out of a game, just the selfish player and not thinking about hitting any of them, proof of that is the 3 Point Shootout Contest that the NBA does every year on All-Star.

In just 1 minute they try 25 shots from outside and have hit more than 20 of them, it shows that it is possible, but no one tries because in a real game with a player in defense it is much harder.

But today Jake was trying to show what the possible odds limit was, Lola was also impressed by that, she honestly thought it was not possible, but after Jake scored almost 100 points in the middle of the game she no longer doubted and just cheered.

Of course, this was only possible because Jake had 32 strengths, much more than he had even in his past life, he could feel that it was much easier to try the shots off, and Jake didn't have so many muscles that hampered his movements even with more than 30 strength.

With the help of his luck and the distance to the three-point line being smaller than in the NBA, it helped a lot for Jake to achieve that, yet he was impressed to achieve that in one game.

In the third period, everyone was excited to see Jake break this record just to be disappointed, Jake scored 36 points only in that third period of the game, everyone thought it was because he was getting tired of the game.

But it was Jake who was holding on purpose, after all, if it went on like that he would stand out too much with this record, he still made 17 attempts at outside shots to hit 12 more of them, yet he deserved praise for it.

Even though he had 130 points at the end of the third period and had already broken his own record, now he had to make 6 more points in this last period to break that record, just by having 2 straight games with over 120 points he would already be in history forever.

Jake also had 14 rebounds and 12 steals in the game, even Mark already had 12 rebounds in this game, so Jake was happy for his teammates so everyone was excited for this last period of play.

When another 8 minutes were up many were cheering Jake on the court, he scored 42 points over that period and far beat the record for most points made in a game, 172 points should even if a historical record hard to break even if the ball is given for some to be trying for 32 minutes to make that much of points.

Jake tried 20 more shots from outside to hit 14 of them and score 42 points, plus Jake had 20 rebounds and 15 steals, a triple Double with a record again.

Jake made 74 off-shot attempts to hit 56 off, Mark got a Double-Double with 20 assists as well as 16 rebounds, even David had 17 assists in today's game, with the game past the average assist of his teammates were almost bigger than Jake's even.

Jake did some interviews with everyone including Eric who was not left out this time, after all this time everyone was sure the record had finally been broken so the story would be really interesting to them.

After thanking his teammates and opponents again for all playing a fair game Jake was preparing to leave, after all with his stamina he was tired after that game.

But on leaving the game site he saw that Lola was there alone, she wanted to congratulate Jake too, but he was surrounded by several people and reporters and she missed the chance, Jake felt a little guilty for forgetting her alone.

"Hi Lola, thanks for coming to see the game."

"Congratulations on winning and also on the record, when I heard from your mom that you were trying to score over 100 points in a game I didn't believe it, but I wanted to see it in person, and it turned out you scored over 170 points."

"I'm glad I got that, now I feel like I've done something important even in my high school days."

"Don't say that, if you win this national championship more would be your second time being the champion, if you win the MVP prize will be even better, I think winning is more important than just doing well once and getting nothing."

"I hope you're right, my mom didn't even tell me earlier that you were coming here, I was really surprised."

"I think she really wanted to surprise her because I asked her yesterday to come here."

"I'll take you to your house then, I came in my car."

"Thank you, then."

While Jake drove Lola to her house they both got to be talking in the car, then Jake drove her home and drove off, Lola was later upset that she didn't take the opportunity to talk more in the car, but was glad Jake was a gentleman. and take her home.

Jake went home after that and I call his mother saying that he had managed to break the record this time, so Eva was happy for him, she realized that this record was really important to Jake.

So the news that Jake had broken the record for the most points in a high school game was mostly known in Miami where Jake was already well known, after all, it was more than ten times that he appeared in the newspaper and on television.

After that happened Jake returned to the normal training routine, next week would be the state championship semifinal and in less than a month would be the marathon of

New York.

As for the state championship Jake was confident, but in the marathon, he did not know if he could lower the 4 seconds per km in a 50 km race, after all, he knew well that the marathon was much harder than in training.

After all Jake finished the marathon smoothly because he trained to always run 7km more in training and even decreased his time to ensure that would have no problems, but he could not guarantee that would not always be so, after all, it was not easy to win a major marathon.

Jake knew from John that thanks to Jake being representing the company sometimes with sponsorship mainly in the Chicago marathon they had a lot more sales in Chicago and Miami now, after all, everyone was curious about those companies that sponsored Jake who did so many amazing things.

Tiffany and Clara's companies had the best results in these places because they had been with Jake for a long time, so Jake was thinking of Tiffany who hadn't been talking to him since he was in Chicago.

Just as he was wondering if he would go there to find out what happened Tiffany called Jake saying she wanted to talk to him, but the place was in a hotel restaurant and not in the normal restaurants they met.

Jake accepted and relaxed thinking that nothing had happened and he was thinking too much, after all, Tiffany was busy and has his private life too, he should not have interfered that much.

So Jake thought she was calling to talk about her two games with over 120 points and her record was broken after all his acquaintances called to talk about it with him.

But arriving at the restaurant he saw that things were not that simple, Tiffany had a serious face that from what he knew of her seemed even that she was angry or angry about something.

Seeing this, Jake even cringed in fear that he had done something wrong, but he didn't remember doing anything wrong, so he took courage and walked slowly to Tiffany's table.

When she saw Jake her gaze shifted to worry and tiredness, so Jake knew it was nothing to him, but he was curious what could cause such a strong woman such emotions as Tiffany.