Chapter 181 - Be Happy With Sports

Chapter 181 A Marathon to Enter History 2

Jake came into the company a little nervous still, but he calmed down when he saw that Matthew, Oliver, and the employee assigned to create the camera were quiet.

Jake thought they were in this camera business a lot longer than he knew about cameras after all Jake did not know much about it, after all, Jake's family never had much money in his past life.

When digital cameras were starting to become popular it was when Jake had suffered the accident and only Eva was the one who was working at the restaurant and bringing little money home.

When Jake started working again and they had more money the era of digital cameras had already passed and it was more common to buy a camera phone, so Jake had some cameras, but these had a much higher technology that was available in the year 1995 and even Jake did not know much about these cameras he had.

That was how Jake was giving his opinion to an airplane, the only thing he could say was that he had to fly, but how to make the plane fly he did not know, so he suggested that Matthew hire people who understand the technology or who were already working on similar technologies.

"Thank you for coming when I called Jake, the digital camera that will go to the stores in the next few weeks is ready, so I wanted you to see how it was and give your opinion."

"No problem, Matthew, as it was I myself who suggested this nothing more just than I take responsibility and help whenever I can about it."

After this Jake received the digital camera from the hand of the official who was responsible for creating this camera, Jake saw that this camera already had a small screen where it was possible to see the correct position that the photo would be taken.

Jake could also see that this camera had no zoom and the quality of the photos did not seem to be very good, besides, he did not know what kind of storage the camera was using, but it was not a memory card and could save a few photos.

Even so, Jake could not say for sure if this camera was good or not for the current technology, the storage system was a problem that all cameras faced before the arrival of the USB cable.

And even after that, the storage of a computer was not very good at that time, so it was a problem for the digital cameras, if they increase the quality of the resolution of the photos, even more, the number of photos that could be stored would decrease.

So Jake returned the camera to the clerk and asked to speak with Matthew and Oliver in private, he would not say he did not like the camera right in front of the employee who had the job of developing the camera.

Matthew seemed to have understood what Jake wanted and took him to his office in the company, the employee seemed to want to hear what Jake said and was disappointed not to hear Jake's opinions.

"Matthew as you may know I do not know much about digital cameras, but I think the quality of the pictures is very low, moreover, it has no zoom system for the camera, in addition to the quality of the pictures being too low cannot store many Photos."

"Where is the memory card system that I said I needed this camera is also very large, how much will this digital camera cost?"

"It will cost around a thousand dollars, let's see how it goes before improving technology, in addition, storage and with the floppy."

"One thousand dollars? That's too expensive Matthew, we have to improve this price, what quality of the photos and how many photos can save the camera?"

"It's 0.8 megapixels, we're looking at ways to improve that."

"That's too bad, Matthew, we've got a lot to improve on, so you're not going to get a place in the digital marketplace."

In fact, it was that Jake's knowledge about digital cameras came from the future that he was asking a lot of Matthew's company, after all the reason why many companies that made film cameras go bankrupt was not out of lack of will.

It is much more expensive to develop technology and create something new than just following behind big companies, Matthew himself had spent millions developing to be able to create this digital camera.

That's the biggest reason many companies went bankrupt, it was too expensive to get into that market and few expected the movie camera market to end up failing so they missed the opportunity, Matthew trusted Jake and his company had the capital to take the risk.

As Matthew further invested in the company he discovered that this was really the future and now could be his chance to take his company to the world stage together with the big companies of digital cameras.

In addition, Matthew saw that the most expensive is to create the basis in the digital market, then the values ​​fall far more to develop these new technologies.

And the digital camera from Matthew's company could be considered good for the time, Matthew's camera has 0.8 megapixels of quality and the biggest companies have only 1.3 megapixels, in addition, color cameras with values ​​of less than thousand dollars were starting and developing in the market.

And these leading companies in the market have invested hundreds of millions to create this camera, and Matthew has not even reached 10 million in investments, and much of that money has been selling some machines that would not be used to make digital cameras.

All this was because Jake had said that the way that Matthew's company had to follow, with a goal in front they did not waste time not knowing what to do so Matthew's company keep up with market-leading companies.

This first digital camera would be sold on the market just to spread the company name and remind the consumer of the company brand, not to mention that Matthew's company was one of the only ones on the market that was from the United States, so consumers would choose a domestic company than an outside company.

"Jake, this is the best our company can do today, that's because I do not have the money to invest in new technologies before selling this camera after I get the profits I can continue to invest."

What Matthew said was true, he put that price because it was the same thing the competing companies were doing, but to make those cameras cost only $ 600, so he could have almost $ 400 profit from every sale of that digital camera.

Of course, if Matthew put the value he invested in camera technology he could make a lot less profit, so he would have to wait for the profits to be able to invest more.

"The USB technology you're talking about is about to be finalized next year, and besides, I heard that it was only in 1998 that the first computers were fully adopting this technology, we have time to be one of the first to develop that."

"I'm already getting in touch with some companies that are developing the memory card, so our next camera may already have these two technologies, we'll also try to improve the quality of the photos and zoom in on the next camera."

That's right while pitching a product to Matthew's company already knew what to do for the next model of the digital camera, that way they saved time and money on it, so Matthew was thinking of giving a company share to Jake.

"So fine, I just want your business to succeed, Matthew, do not forget to try to develop the technology so you can put the camera lens on a mobile device and on the computer, so you can even take the initiative to ask for a contract with the big companies."

Jake remembered to hear since around 2000 the first camera phones were created, so Matthew was less than 5 years old to develop this technology, this was the future of digital cameras.

If Jake told this to SONY they would not only develop the technology and they might even be the ones developing the first camera phone before 2000, so Jake was giving Matthew a chance at life.

"Try also to make a bigger screen for the digital camera, it is better if it is a liquid crystal, this could increase the prominence of your company."

So having said all he needed, Jake left, he realized that Oliver was there just to keep Matthew from talking to Jake about Liza and Joseph, Jake did not want to get involved in it either, so he left quickly.

Jake was very curious to know how much Matthew's company could get out of money from the sales of this new digital camera, but since this was not his business, Jake decided not to get involved unless Matthew wanted his help.

After all, Jake had a lot of new ideas for investments, but he had to tell Emily everything before. After all, it would not do any good for him to have an assistant and not work with her when he needed something.

As a few more days went by and the day of the regional championship finale arrived, Jake woke up early in the morning and ate breakfast for his mother, Eva was happy to make breakfast for Jake on game days.

After all, living with Jake in the same house had seen him very little in the last few months, so she felt better doing her job as a mother doing at least Jake's breakfast on the day of the game.

After Jake packed his things and went to the scene, it was the first time Eva would not be in the stands in a final game, it made Jake a little sad even though Eva was very happy with the restaurant.

Eric also was not in the stands for this game, so Jake could not see anyone he knew, after all, Tiffany and Clara were busy with their companies and did not have to attend a regional championship final.

His other sponsors also did not send anyone to see the outcome of this game, even if Jake should be happy that these people trusted him, it was better than he had someone cheering for him.