Chapter 150 - Be Happy With Sports

Chapter 150 The National High School Championship 7

David received the ball from Jake and used his speed to get out of the opponent's SG and ran to do the layup and 2 points for the Elite team, David knew he had done badly in the last game but it was just his physical condition that was not very good.

After the last game, he went to the hospital and saw that he had the flu and feverishly played the game, yet he knew that he had disappointed his teammates by not taking care of himself, so they almost lost the game.

Jake said that he trusted him but David knew that everyone was disappointed as he, so he promised himself that he would do his best in the next games, he would help the team to win that national championship.

Daniel saw that David looked good and was a bit disappointed, yet he recovered and advanced to the three-point line, so he moved on to the PF of his team, now he wanted to test if Carter was well on defense as well.

The PF tried to make the turn and saw Carter trying to steal the ball, so the PF pulled away and forced the mid-range shot to make the 2 points for his team, seeing that Daniel realized that Carter looked good for that game too.

Jake advanced to the line of three points and passed the ball to Mark this time, Mark received the pass and made a feint and then a turn to make the layup and score 2 points for his team, the opponent's opponent was lost with this move.

Daniel got the ball to organize another attack for the Bats team, it seemed that luck was not on their side and all Elite players were fine for today's match, reaching the three-point line Daniel passed to Alexander.

Alexander got the ball off the three-point line and Harrison was far away hoping he would get in the three-point line to make the attack, but Alexander made the shot from outside and made 3 more points for his team.

Jake grabbed the ball and advanced and before the three-point line took the shot out to make 3 more points for his team, Daniel just tried to disrupt Jake's shot, but it was useless, Jake was taller and jumped too well to do the shot movement, so it was difficult for a lower player to defend.

Jake suffered for a long time to be smaller than his opponents, now was the time for him to take advantage of his size to make more points, he hoped to grow taller until graduation in high school, after all, he was bigger than in his past life that he only reached 1.85 m tall, so he just hoped for how much more he would grow.

Daniel did not bother with that, he knew he could not do much defense against Jake in that game, at least he wanted to mess up all the moves he could, Daniel advanced to the three-point line and saw that Alexander was being defended by Harrison , but Carter and Jake had their eye on the defense.

So Daniel passed the ball to the SG of his team, David put pressure on the defense and the opponents PG had more difficulty in making the play, so the PG tried to pass to Alexander that was unmarked again, but Jake managed to read well the move and intercepted the pass.

Watching this happen Daniel was angry, he saw that Jake was intent on the move, but he did not expect the SG of his team to give up on the move and move to Alexander, that was one of the reasons that Jake liked that all the moves passed through his hands.

Jake who had caught the ball advanced to the three-point line, he waited a bit and passed the ball to Mark, Mark who received the ball advanced and did the layup to make 2 more points for his team.

Daniel took the ball and advanced to the three-point line, this time he did not want to risk and passed the ball to Alexander, Alexander made a feint and used his speed to pass by Harrison and ran to the inner area to do the layup and 2 points for your team.

Jake got the ball and organized another attack for the Elite team, this time he passed the ball to David, David threatened to run inside, but instead made a step back and made the shot from outside to score another 3 points for his team.

The game continued like this until the end of the first period of the game, Jake had made 7 points and 5 assists, in addition, he managed to do 3 steals in that first period, the Elite team was with an advantage of 8 points against the Bats team.

It was exactly like Jake thought, when everyone was playing well doing the points and defending normally the Elite team was much easier to win the games, but the main factor was that the best opposing player was a PG, SG or SF if it were so the game did not change much.

Because Jake could easily stop the opposing PG, and no one even expected David and Harrison to do well in defense, so the Elite team can play well and seek victory as always, but if the main opposing player is a Center or a PG game complicates.

Because if this happens to the opponent can make several points in Mark and Carter who were the best in defense of the Elite team, the opponent could also make points over David and Harrison and then the game is difficult as last time.

At the beginning of the second period Daniel received the ball and started another attack for his team, arriving at the line of three points Daniel passed the ball to the SG of his team, learning from the last mistake he tried several times until pass by David and do the mid-range shot to make 2 more points for your team.

Jake received the ball and advanced to the three-point line, he passed the ball to Mark again, as Jake said he was passing the ball to Mark more than to the others, and Mark had not lost any such attack that he turned and did the layup to make 2 more points for the Elite team.

The Bats' team had already realized that Mark was the one receiving more passes from the Elite team and they also knew that Mark was coming from a sequence of good games, but aside from asking the Center for his team to pay more attention, they could not do anything. they do double play on another player Mark will make the points more easily.

Daniel received the ball to arrange another attack, but reaching the three-point line Daniel risked the shot from outside to make the 3 points for his team, Daniel was satisfied with this, he knew that if he who was the player who scored the most points in your team could not make points they would lose.

Jake received the ball and did not care what happened, it was impossible for him to completely nullify the opponent in the defense, so it was good that Daniel took more confidence to make the shots from outside, so Jake would have more opportunities to make the block.

Jake reached the three-point line and this time did not stop and took advantage of Daniel's distraction and used his speed to pass by the opponent, Jake continued and only stopped after making the dunk to make 2 points for the Elite team.

The crowd once again cheered for Jake and the Elite team, many who were in the stands today were the last game and wanted to see again the beautiful plays of Jake and his team, Eric was also taking the pictures as always.

Eric was very happy to have followed the Elite team that year again in almost every game, even if he had not done an interview with Jake he had talked a lot with the other players on the team, he would wait after the Elite team was the champions this year to interview Jake.

Many had found it absurd that Eric had failed to follow many NBA games to accompany a high school team, but Eric is investing in a good relationship with Jake after all reporters who are friends with an NBA star can ensure success for at least 15 years.

So he knew that if he accompanied Jake's team at least he could cover the champion team, but as always Jake had exceeded his expectations, in addition to all the games having nice plays and dunks for Eric to take the pictures, Jake had also made a triple Double in all 13 games so far.

Even though Jake could not get any more, Jake was still 16 years old and was in his third year of high school, so Jake still had another year to show off his skills.

If Jake could make 3 more triple-double in this national championship and win would be the best matter that he could do throughout his career, Eric was sure, Eric was also thinking about the companies he knew they sponsored Jake for several years now.

He had to admit that these companies were very lucky and invested well in Jake, after that national championship many teams would seek Jake to offer sponsorship, but after the matter of Eric leave with Jake doing 13 triple-double followed only these two companies can have the whole glory.

After a while the second period ended, the Elite team still had superiority and had a 12-point lead, but with Daniel starting to make the points the advantage did not increase much, Jake had done 15 points, 9 assists, and 6 steals, so the Triple Double seemed routed.