Chapter 145 - Be Happy With Sports

Chapter 145 The National High School Championship 2

"I'm sure she'll be very happy with this place."

"I'm going to need you to give me the reports of these 3 years of investment in September this year, I want to see if I can invest in more actions at that time, but before that, I do not need anything, so if you have anything to do released."

"Thank you so much, so I'll see you in September."

After Emily left Jake stayed a while still staring with what this restaurant had been like even though he had said he did not care if this restaurant would make a profit or not, he knew Eva would care about it, after all, no one likes to run a place that is unsuccessful.

So besides knowing if the food would be good and what kind of restaurant that would be, Jake was thinking that it would be better to have a person who knows how a restaurant works to help Eva, so he was thinking about talking to someone about it.

After a few more days was the second game of the national championship, the team was even weaker than the Horses team and had no very skillful players like Santiago, so the Elite team won by 26 points.

Jake made another Triple Double and Mark was another highlight of the team making a Double Double with points and rebounds, so the Elite team advanced to the next phase.

So Jake can realize that the team they faced in the state championship final was actually quite strong, if they were in the national championship they could move further into the competition.

Eric was very happy to see that the Elite team was doing very well in this national championship, in fact, he still had some doubts about the performance of many of these players, although they performed well in Middle School, high school is in a different level.

After all, many of these players could be in the NBA in the future, so besides Jake, he was not sure about the other players, but now he saw that Mark and David also had the possibility to become professional players.

Especially Mark who is a great center, at this time of the NBA good players of this position are very wanted, but Mark had to reach more than 2,00 m of height if he wanted to maintain that dominion in rebounds in the NBA.

The next game would be very important for the Elite team, after all, it was at this stage of the national championship that the team was eliminated last year, even though Jake and Harrison were not in that game, there is little pressure for the team.

So it's important for his teammates to see Jake and Mark in such a good phase, Jake made 12 triple-double this season in all games so far, and this is because he is not playing alone and passes the ball to his teammates.

Some days after the game Jake went to visit Anna alone, in fact, it was the first time that Jake visited the house of Anna without Eva being together, but Jake wanted to make sure that Eva did not know anything about that.

"Hi, Jake, good surprise to see you here alone."

"I wanted to talk to you without my mother knowing, would you mind if I took you somewhere?"

"Take me where?"

"It's a surprise, I'm sure you'll like it."

Since Anna trusted Jake a lot she just got in the car and Jake took her without talking much on the way, after a while, they arrived at the place where Jake had prepared for Eva's restaurant.

They entered the place and only after they entered that Anna realized that this place was a restaurant, as it had nothing on the facade yet she did not know, after all, it would be Eva who would choose the sign.

Still, she did not know why Jake had brought her to this place, Jake had taken her to see the whole restaurant, Jake had arranged the makeover to look like a restaurant he was close to 2010 so it was a bit trendy for the time.

Even though it seemed easier for both the restaurant staff and the customers, after they'd gone all over the restaurant, Jake pulled out two chairs and asked Anna to sit on one of them.

"So Anna, what did you think about this place?"

"I found it very beautiful and pleasant, it is very different from the restaurant I had, but I think it was well organized and decorated."

"That's good, do you remember that you said that my mother's dream was to have a restaurant?"

"Of course I remember, only a few months ago I told you about it."

"True, this is the restaurant that I bought and re-created for my mother, do you think she'll like it?"

When Anna heard what Jake had said she thought she had heard it wrong, but after wondering why Jake had brought her to this restaurant that had no sign on the front and looked new, she realized she had heard right.

But she would never have imagined that after only a conversation and without even confirming the truth with Eva, that Jake would immediately buy and renovate a restaurant for his mother.

Even though this restaurant was not as grandiose as what it had, the restaurant she had just gotten big like that after many years of work and success, but Jake just wanted to fulfill her mother's dream.

For a moment she was a little jealous of Eva for having such a good son when her sister did not even know where she was, or whether she was alive or dead.

But soon she recovered when she remembered that she considered Jake and Eva as his family now, so she had to be glad Jake was so good with Eva, Jake was quietly waiting for Anna to absorb all this information before continuing the conversation.

"Of course she will like it, a mother really likes when a child gives a flower gift, let alone a restaurant like this that was prepared with so much regard to Eva's dream."

"I'm glad to hear this, I called you here Anna, because you're also responsible for this restaurant being made, were it not for you to discover my mother's secret, I would probably never know."

"I really enjoyed doing it, I think Eva deserves it too."

"So, since you're already responsible for this you could very well be responsible for even more would not you?"

"As well."

"I want you to come here to work with my mother and help manage this restaurant and the kitchen as well."

"I can not do this Jake, you know my story very well, you know why I closed my restaurant."

"I know very well, that's why I'm asking you to help me and my mother too, you've closed your restaurant because of your family, and now you're going to work here to help your new family."

"I do not want neither you nor my mother to be alone and I know that you always loved to cook and that's why you opened those cooking classes."

Hearing that Anna stopped for a while to think, she knew what Jake said was true, she always liked the kitchen a lot and that has not changed until today, and she actually regretted having closed the restaurant years after her son went through.

"You can be there together with my mother, at least at the beginning, if afterward, you see that you can no longer just give some councils, I need your help Anna, and I also think this may be good for you."

After hearing Jake say that Anna was convinced, it was true what he said if after a while she did not want to work here anymore she could just leave but now she had to help Eva at least in the beginning.

"Alright Jake, you convinced me, I'll help at least for a few months."

"Thank you, Anna."

So Jake gave Anna a hug, he invited Anna because she knew she always dreamed and remembered the time she worked in her restaurant, but Jake knew that Anna needed a good reason to be able to go back to the kitchen without feeling guilty about her family.

Now Jake had the perfect motive, and with Anna, he was sure the restaurant would be successful.

"Jake, what's the specialty of this restaurant?"

"I do not know, this will depend on my mother, but I do not think it will be a high-class restaurant or looking for international recognition."

"I was also thinking this, when are you going to tell Eva about it?"

"After the national championship final, I want to tell her this before her birthday, after all, this is not a simple gift, but to fulfill her dream, and that she can not refuse."

"That's right, do you think this restaurant will work out?"

"For the next three years at least I'm confident, and with you here I'm even more confident, as you do not have to worry about paying rent it's easier to spend the first few years until the restaurant has regular customers."

"I think you would really be a good businessman Jake, you know how to think about the most varied business, but you decided to be a basketball player."

"I can do both, an alias I think I can do more than both, I want you to keep secret about this restaurant, and can start to prepare for in a few months, you can even find the employees. "

"I was thinking about it, I have a lot of friends who also give preparatory classes to people who work in restaurants like me, so I'm going to look for some people in those places."

"Then I'll leave everything to you."