Chapter 5 - Professional Body Double

Chapter 2 – Seeing CaiWei Again

After staying in the hospital for another two days, ZhouXiang felt good physically. He really didn’t want to stay in the hospital anymore. Once again, he told ChenYing that he wanted to leave the hospital.

ChenYing went to ask the doctor. ZhouXiang waited by himself in the ward. The grandfather sleeping in the bed next to him will probably never wake up. Sometimes when he is sleeping into the middle of the night, he’d think of the person lying next to him, not making a sound. In fact, this grandfather is very pitiful.

At this time, the door to the ward opened. He thought ChenYing was back but he didn’t expect to see a forty something year old man coming in. The moment he saw the man, ZhouXiang is stunned.


CaiWei saw him and was also startled. He said in shocked, “You……you, you, you’re awake?”

ZhouXiang blinked. He was even more shocked than CaiWei. He didn’t expect to have only been awakened for a few days and is able to meet his former friend.

CaiWei took a few steps and stood front of him. This boorish older friend was so excited that his face is flushed red. He slapped his hands on ZhouXiang’s shoulder, so strong that ZhouXiang felt a bit pained. He excitedly said, “Buddy, you don’t know me but I know you.” He pointed to the bed with a finger that is hooked with a bag of food. “That is my dad. My dad had been laying there for more than six months. I see you every time. Ahhh, my dad is at this age so let it be. But you’re still so young, if you are to lie there like that forever, your mother will be done for. I didn’t expect you to wake up but it’s great.” He patted ZhouXiang’s shoulder heavily; his face revealing a candid smile.

ZhouXiang’s heart trembled. He instantly grabbed onto CaiWei’s arm, so excited that he couldn’t even speak. He wanted to open his mouth and say “Wai Ge”(T/N), but to CaiWei at this time, he is merely at stranger who is coincidentally called ZhouXiang.

T/N: Ge (哥) means older brother. It’s also a more affectionate and respectful way of addressing an older male friend.

CaiWei looked at him strangely, then asked, “Brother, what’s wrong? Where do you feel uncomfortable? I’ll help you call for the doctor?”

ZhouXiang responded, “No, don’t need to. You… don’t give up. Maybe your father will wake up one day.”

CaiWei puts down the stuff he was holding on his father’s bedside and then sat in the chair and sighed, “I don’t expect it. Getting a stroke at this age…he’s just hanging on. He’s really half-dead like this. The entire family is suffering but we can’t watch him die.” CaiWei looked at his dad, “Anyway, no matter what, he is literally still alive.” His voice sounded dismal and fatigued, making ZhouXiang feel particularly somber.

CaiWei is still doing well in the entertainment circle. His work is relatively a mixture with many things that he is responsible for managing. But his social network is broad. Many aspiring newbies have to look up to him so CaiWei’s income is considered good. However, having to support his wife and kids and also care for an elderly father who has hospitalization fees mounting day by day, it is a heavy burden. Now, even though only two years had passed, ZhouXiang felt that CaiWei is much older than before.

ZhouXiang wanted to comfort him but was afraid to say too much and end up revealing himself. To say that there is another individual living in this body, that’s even more unimaginable to normal people.

CaiWei looked at him silently, then sighed heavily and wiped his face. His expression looked a bit painful.

ZhouXiang asked cautiously, “What’s wrong?”

“ZhouXiang,” CaiWei called out. His tone is the same as when he used to call him. ZhouXiang’s heart trembled. “You know, I used to have a buddy, his name was also called ZhouXiang. If he was still alive, he would be 35 this year…very young, very loyal. He was a really good buddy.” CaiWei’s face revealed a crying yet laughing expression, his voice sounds as if he was choking with emotions. “Hearing from what your mom said, you had an accident two years ago right? My buddy was also in an accident two years ago. But you woke up, yet his body can’t even be found. That job… I introduced it to him. ……” CaiWei sniffed, “If it weren’t for me……”

The rest of the words, he couldn’t say anymore. His guilt and grief seemed to have consumed the air causing ZhouXiang to feel indescribable repressed emotions.

He especially wanted to give CaiWei a scolding, scold him for talking all this nonsense. Why would my death have anything to do with you? At that time, he offended WangYuDong and it was obvious that he wouldn’t be able to continue working in the entertainment industry. Only CaiWei helped him. CaiWei pestered and  smooth talked others to get him introduced into a cast and crew team to film a documentary in ShiWen Mountain. But to encounter such horrendous weather on that day, it was just his bad luck. If he really died, then let it be. But to be alive and come to realize that CaiWei had always blamed himself for his death, he felt even worse than CaiWei.

Normally CaiWei is definitely not a person to say so much in front of a stranger. But at this time, his emotions are somewhat out of control because this young man in front of him made him reminiscent, remembering so many painful things from the past. He felt a bit embarrassed and quickly cleared his throat, “Please don’t mind me. I’ve just remembered things from the past. My name is CaiWei. If you don’t mind, just call me Wei Ge. Fate brought us together. In the future, let’s look after each other.”

ZhouXiang’s voice trembled as he softly called out “Wei Ge.” He really wanted to drag CaiWei to a small restaurant near the hospital, order a few dishes, get a few bottles of white wine and heartily drink with him like they use to do before. When they were in a sports school, CaiWei had always took care of him. After he graduated, he could not find a good job. He shamelessly went to look for CaiWei and CaiWei arranged for him to run errands for the drama sets and did some miscellaneous work in various studios. Later, he slowly began to work as a martial art stuntman for other people and got a good income. The two of them had always gotten along. In ZhouXiang’s heart, CaiWei is like his real brother.

CaiWei smiled. “I’ll tell you the truth but don’t think too much. You give me a very intimate feeling, like a person that I’m very familiar with. I don’t know if it’s because you’re also called ZhouXiang but I feel that you are kind of like him.”

ZhouXiang also smiled. How could CaiWei know that he and that ZhouXiang is one and the same person?

When he was about to speak, ChenYing came back. “Xiao (T/N) Cai, you came to see your father?”

T/N: Xiao means young; however, when put in front of someone’s name, it’s a sign of fondness to call someone younger than you.

“Yes, Auntie Chen. Why didn’t you let me know that ZhouXiang had awakened? This is a cause for celebration. When will he be discharged? I’ll take you two out for dinner.”

“Oh, you’re so busy with work. How can we trouble you?”

“What trouble? You always help the nurse take care of my dad. I really can’t return this favor in this lifetime.”

“What are you talking about? I’m free and have the time. You still have to earn money to support a family. You can’t compare to this idle person. Don’t say these courteous words. If you have free time, come visit your father more often. Perhaps he will wake up one day.”

CaiWei smiled, “Yes, maybe we can also rub off some of your luck.”

ChenYing’s face is obviously full of radiance with her entire body bursting with happiness. “Xiao Cai, come have some fruits.”

The three chatted for a while. CaiWei stayed for more than an hour. He help his father change, fixed his hair, and left.

After he left, ChenYing said to ZhouXiang, “I didn’t say anything in front of him… don’t want to trouble others. The doctor said that you can be discharged tomorrow.”

ZhouXiang said happily, “That’s great.”

“I’ll clean and pack up the stuff. You take a good rest. We’ll go home tomorrow.”

ZhouXiang softly muttered, “Mom, you worked hard.”

ChenYing smiled and caressed his grown long hair, “As long as you wake up, any hard work is worth it.”


The next morning, they got up very early to do the discharging procedures. Unexpectedly, CaiWei came.

CaiWei smiled, “Auntie Chen, you are too kind, not even telling me that he’s being discharged. Good thing that I asked the doctor myself. Don’t argue and be so modest with me. Today, I’m here to help and have a celebratory meal with you two.”

ChenYing was particularly embarrassed and said a few polite words. She couldn’t win over CaiWei’s enthusiasm so she could only accept it.

CaiWei rushed out to take care of the discharged procedures for them. ZhouXiang put everything in his car. Having lived in the hospital for two years, his discharged is like moving homes. If it wasn’t for CaiWei’s car, they would really be in trouble.

After a busy morning, everyone was exhausted. ChenYing was worried about ZhouXiang’s health. Actually, ZhouXiang felt that his body is fine and feeling physically energetic. This body has been lying for two years, what it lacks now is not rest but exercise.

CaiWei took the mother and son to a very high-class Cantonese restaurant. Seeing CaiWei’s new car and then at his extravagance, ZhouXiang knew that he had been doing pretty well in the past two years. He is very happy for CaiWei.

ZhouXiang also graciously accepted; they ate and chatted.

ChenYing didn’t chat much with them. She said a little and then stayed quiet, leaving the two to talk among themselves. After chatting for a while, CaiWei looked at him strangely.

ZhouXiang’s heart is startled for a moment, “What’s wrong?”

“The feeling that you give me…is very much like a close friend. What’s with this?”

ZhouXiang quickly recalled whether or not he had mistakenly said anything. He had already tried to be cautious. He shouldn’t have said anything wrong, right? Finally, he laughed, “Didn’t Wei Ge say… we have fate.”

CaiWei shook his head and smiled, “That’s true. I’m thinking too much. Who told you to also have the same name as my brother?” After he said that, he sighed.

ZhouXiang was afraid that CaiWei will reminisce the past again so he quickly poured him a glass of wine, “Come, Wei Ge, let’s drink.”

After three rounds of alcohol, both men’s faces were red.

CaiWei asked, “ZhouXiang, what are your plans for the future?”

“Look for a job.”

“What did you do before?”

ZhouXiang is speechless. He turned and asked ChenYing, “Mom, what did I do before?”

CaiWei smacked his head, “Oh, I forgot. You can’t remember. Then what you learned in the past might be wasted then?”

“Can’t be right?”

Whatever ChenYing was thinking, her expression didn’t look good, “You used to do photoshoots for magazines and model for the auto exhibits or something. You said that you wanted to be a star and was going to join some training. At that time, I urged you to be more realistic but you won’t listen. Aigh……” ChenYing sighed. She seemed to realize that she had said too much and lowered her head to eat.

Time stopped. ZhouXiang didn’t expect that the former owner of this body actually harbored dreams to be a star. The qualifications of this body are not bad, but there many attractive boys in Beijing so he really doesn’t stand out. Without anything exceptionally distinctive, there is essentially no chance to be popular. He had been in the entertainment industry for so many years and had seen too many young people with excellent qualifications leaving dejectedly in the end. To become popular, even if everything is in place, without luck, one will be left empty handed.

CaiWei smiled. “So you wanted to be a star? This just happened to be my profession. This brother here can help you out.”

ChenYing raised her head, “Not good. So many people wanted to be a star but how many actually succeed? Why not just find a real steady job instead.”

ZhouXiang also nodded, “Wei Ge, I don’t want to be a star. I also know that my qualification won’t work. I know that you’re from an entertainment company. If you want to help me, help me find some work in your company. Like as a backstage assistant or something, I can do that.”

CaiWei nodded. “That’s not a problem. Our boss recently bought a model agency with about a thousand-square-meter photo studio in the Liuwan area. There is a lot of work to be done. If you’re not afraid of hard work, the salary will be enough to support you and your mom.”

ZhouXiang decisively nodded. “I’ll thank Wei Ge.” Considering that he doesn’t know anyone at the moment, if it is as he thought, that CaiWei is willing to introduce jobs to him, having an income immediately is exactly what he wanted. If he had died, then so be it. But he’s alive, so he has to figure out how he is going to live on.

ChenYing opened her mouth, but seeing that ZhouXiang’s mind had been decided, she didn’t say anything. However, her expression is full of worries.

End of the chapter