Chapter 9 - Professional Body Double

Chapter 6 – Meeting officially.. My name is..

For a short one minute misalignment of the camera, it took more than two hours to complete shooting. This director is a prominent director in China but the old man has a very strange temperament. When he is working, no one is pleasing to his eyes. Even a well-behaved 20 something-year-old little girl got scolded by him to tears. This is the third time that ZhouXiang is working with him so he is well aware of his temper. No matter how he wants to redo a particular scene, ZhouXiang will not be angry. It’s not that he doesn’t have a a temper, but he only knows that if he gets irritated, then the old man is even more irritated. Today, no one needs to think about leaving.

After completing the scene, ZhouXiang’s body sweated profusely. The old man was very satisfied and even remembered his name. After filming, he told him, “This film is short of a character. If you have time in your schedule, talk to Ah Cheng. There aren’t many scenes. In all, you won’t appear for more than half an hour but the pay is guaranteed to your satisfaction.”

ZhouXiang smiled, “Thank you. You personally talked to me about such a trivial matters, I feel so thankful. If I can’t make time in my schedule then I’m obviously thinking too high of myself. I’ll go talk to Cheng Ge then. In the future, if there are such opportunities, I hope Director Wang will still think of me.”

The old man nodded expressionlessly. But from the fact that he did not get angry for two hours, he was very satisfied with ZhouXiang’s performance.

“Hey, WangYuDong is here.”

Everyone looked toward the doorway. WangYuDong walked in with two assistants tagging along behind him. He is wearing a pair of sunglasses, in a casual suit. His entire person looked extraordinarily handsome, immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

WangYuDong is a movie star who had just become popular in the past two years. It is said that his background is exceptional. His debut was from ancient drama specifically produced to boost his popularity. WangYuDong can be said to have all the credentials to be popular: his outward appearance is excellent; his speech and mannerisms fitting, adding on having such people to promote him. Although his performances in the beginning were a bit bumpy, but it couldn’t stop his attractive face from appearing in all kinds of media outlets every day. Therefore, he had been steadily rising in popularity, so popular that he is currently the top earning artist in YiXing Media.

Originally, ZhouXiang was doing stuntman jobs on the side. But with the advantage of having a figure very similar to that of WangYuDong, he also followed along and climbed up his career. Now, as long as WangYuDong needs a stuntman, they basically will look for him.

After WangYuDong came in, he laughed and removed his sunglasses to greet the staff. There is not a trace of arrogance. He quickly rushed to apologize to Director Wang. He did not explain why he was late, but just apologized with a smile to the old man.

With WangYuDong being so humble, Director Wang could not be angry at him so merely had him go quickly to get dressed up.

After WangYuDong finished appeasing Director Wang, he turned to look at ZhouXiang, “Hi Ah Xiang.”

ZhouXiang smiled and nodded, “Dong Ge, you’re here.” He’s actually a few years older than WangYuDong and has more experience, but his position and status is merely paltry. There is no reason for WangYuDong to call him ‘Ge’. However, he does not hate WangYuDong. WangYuDong especially knows how to conduct himself. As long as there is no conflicting interest with him, he always gives people a very gentlemanly image. Regarding WangYuDong’s rumors, ZhouXiang is too lazy to care. He’s just a minor stuntman; it would be impossible for him to have any conflict of interest with WangYuDong in his life. The two simply coexisted in harmony, which is good.

WangYuDong patted him on his shoulder, “You’re finished with filming, go take a shower and change. You are so sweaty. If you catch a cold, who can I depend on to be my stuntman?”

ZhouXiang laughed, “OK. Dong Ge, only when you’re here can I leave.  I’ll go first then.”

“Okay, see you.”

ZhouXiang was planning to go remove his makeup and change. When he turned his head, he saw the very attractive boy coming from the outside. He guessed that he was going to the toilet. When the boy saw WangYuDong, his eyes lit up as he happily called out, “Dong Ge.”

WangYuDong suddenly turned and surprisingly said, “MingXiu? How come you’re back?” After he said that, he took a few steps forward and hugged YanMingXiu tightly.

YanMingXiu smiled brightly, “I’ve graduated.”

“Graduated? Then you don’t plan to work there? You just came back like this?”

YanMingXiu grabbed WangYuDong’s arm and looked at him cheerfully. His eyes full of smiles. “What’s so good abroad? You don’t even come to visit me.”

WangYuDong smiled and softly muttered, “Didn’t your sister went on my behalf?”

ZhouXiang was close by and just happened to hear it. He couldn’t help but guess that the relationship between the boy’s sister and WangYuDong is certainly not ordinary.

YanMingXiu’s mouth twitched, “That doesn’t count.”

“Fine. Home is still the best. It’s good that you’re back.  Wait for me. Tonight, I will treat you for dinner in welcoming you back.”

YanMingXiu looked at his watch, “I thought you would be here earlier so I specially waited for you. Now it’s too late. I have dinner plans with my dad this evening. I rushed over here but seeing you is enough. Don’t bother with the welcoming dinner, we’ll just do it another day.”

WangYuDong regretfully said, “Indeed, it is too late today. How about tomorrow? You set the time. No matter what, Dong Ge will free up time for you, okay?”

YanMingXiu smiled happily. Seeing the smile on his face, ZhouXiang’s heart felt tingly.

He sighed with a bit of pity as he passed by the two people who was still conversing and went into the dressing room to remove his makeup.

As a man, he’s not afraid of repeatedly scrubbing his cheeks. He rubbed the makeup remover for a long time and finished off by washing his face. Then, changed into his own clothes and went out.

YanMingXiu had already left and WangYuDong is putting on a make-up. He walked over and asks Ah Liu, “You guys have to work overtime?”

Xiao Liu scowled miserably, “Yeah, you are done but we…” He pouted his lips towards WangYuDong’s direction and lowered his voice, “We have still have to wait on him.”

ZhouXiang gloated and smiled, “I’m leaving then.”

Xiao Liu looked at him with a grin and responded sarcastically, “Leave. When you are gone, don’t come back.”

ZhouXiang patted his head and smiled, “Get lost. I’m going to go home and take a hot shower have some snacks and play video games.”

These words were said loudly, causing everyone around him to grumble. ZhouXiang loosen his shoulders, feeling a bit relaxed as he hummed a song, with one hand in his pocket, the other hand swinging his car keys as he walked toward the parking lot.

At this time, YanMingXiu was trying to hail for a taxi at the intersection.

He had just gotten off the plane and haven’t even returned home. After hearing WangYuDong’s schedule, he came to the filming set with his luggage. His older sister told the staff to let him in. He wanted to give WangYuDong a surprised so he didn’t call him. He just waited there like that. Although he waited for more than three hours, being able to see WangYuDong was all worth it.

When YanMingXiu thought of WangYuDong’s warmly expression and his smile, his fatigue was not important. Telling WangYuDong that he and his dad are having dinner was actually a lie. He had been on the plane for more than ten hours, adding on the time it took to catch the plane and all the waiting, he hadn’t rested for nearly twenty hours. Although he could bear it, he didn’t want to show his fatigue in front of WangYuDong so he planned to find a hotel to sleep first.

Right now is rush hour with people getting off work. The taxis are either fully loaded or are rushing to change drivers. He waited for more than ten minutes and not one stopped. YanMingXiu was so sleepy that his eyelids are fighting to stay open, getting him a bit angry. He wanted to call the driver to pick him up but he feared that his mother would gripe that he didn’t even go home first after he got off the plane. Initially, he was planning to pretend that he came back tomorrow.

While hesitating, a Volkswagen stopped in front of him.

ZhouXiang lowered the car’s window and smiled heartily. He kindly said to YanMingXiu, “Where are you going? I’ll give you a ride.”

It took YanMingXiu two seconds to recognize him; he only remembered that he was WangYuDong’s stuntman. When he saw ZhouXiang earlier, he (ZhouXiang) was in an ancient costume with heavy makeup. Now that he wasn’t dressed like that, YanMingXiu really couldn’t recognize him for a moment.

When he gathered his thoughts, he remembered that ZhouXiang’s back silhouette was extremely similar to WangYuDong. Even he, himself, was confused. When ZhouXiang was yielding his swordsmanship, his agile figure occasionally jumped in front of him. All afternoon, he basically watched ZhouXiang filming his scenes to pass the time.

YanMingXiu frowned slightly and hesitated.

He didn’t know what was wrong with him. Obviously this person did not provoke him, but he was somewhat resistant to this person.

ZhouXiang laughed, “You can’t get a taxi at this time. Look at the weather? It’s going to rain soon. I’m off work and have nothing to do. I’ll give you a ride.”  ZhouXiang saw his hesitation and laughed, “What are you afraid of? That my car will swallow people?”

For a moment, YanMingXiu couldn’t find a reason to refuse so he nodded, “Thank you then.”

ZhouXiang popped open the trunk and got out the car to help YanMingXiu with his luggage.

YanMingXiu felt that his enthusiasm is a bit weird so he grabbed the luggage, “I can do it myself.”

ZhouXiang opened the trunk and pointed to the cluttered space, “I’m sorry, it’s a bit messy.” He is an outdoor sports enthusiast. There are plenty of equipment in the car that he hadn’t had time to put away at home. YanMingXiu’s luggage is not large but putting it in is still a bit tight.

ZhouXiang bent over and gather his own things together, leaving an open space for YanMingXiu’s luggage.

YanMingXiu looked at ZhouXiang’s short hair, at his broad and powerful shoulders and slender neck, he can’t help but be lost in his thoughts. How can this person’s back be so similar to Dong Ge?

After ZhouXiang sorted out the space, “Come and put it in.”

YanMingXiu put the luggage in and the two men got into the car.

ZhouXiang smiled and stretched out his right hand, “My name is ZhouXiang, the ‘xiang’ that means ‘to soar/fly’.”

YanMingXiu smiled a little and shook hands with him, “My name is YanMingXiu.”

End of the chapter