“Hey slave, are you mad?”

“Fatty, you are the one that placed me under your control!”

“Listen! I’m not fat, my fur’s just slightly thicker!”

“Nice try fatty, I bet your weight’s double of mine.”

Noticing that Elizabeth and Matcha were on the verge of a cat fight, Zhao Yao hurriedly exclaimed, “Break it Matcha, I was the one who used Elizabeth’s ability.”

Both felines turned around simultaneously and looked at Zhao Yao; seemingly looking for an explanation.

“I can use your ability, right? Somehow I’m now able to borrow Elizabeth’s ability as well.”

Having connected all the dots, Elizabeth exclaimed, “No wonder, I have always thought we had identical abilities… so this is why…”

“Oh what use is her ability, with o’ Matcha’s formidable ability ain’t no one can stand in our way.” Matcha purred loftily.

Elizabeth turned around, but can’t seem to be bothered with that remark.

“Every ability has its pros and cons. The more our abilities, the better.” Zhao Yao continued, ” Plus, I also seem to be able to improve the abilities.”

Hearing that, Elizabeth turned to face Zhao Yao, with her eyes twinkling with excitement.

” Did you just say improve?”

“Yep, Matcha’s ability was improved by me as well.” While saying, Zhao Yao took a glance at Elizabeth’s experience panel and smoothly added 10 points to her from the BOOK’s experience.

BOOK: LV 2 (40/1000)

Diamond: 3

Pet (2/2): Elizabeth

Grade: Lv 2 (0/100)

Loyalty level: 60

Ability: God’s Ray, creating visual and auditory hallucinations with her sound. Able to control a being through her gaze. Ability can be cancelled when the affected being receives a heavy knock.

Elizabeth reached level 2 in a blink of an eye. Zhao Yao then opened up her skill tree for confirmation, noticing that Elizabeth too had two skills available for choosing.

Stealth Dominion: The ability to release sound waves from one’s body which is undetectable by normal means. Effective radius is 30 meters with a therapeutic effect on animals’ internal organs as well as raising their bone density. Furthermore, it soothes one’s emotions, improving its inner health, thus increasing lifespan.

Gemini’s Light: The ability to control 2 separate targets simultaneously.

After reading through both skill descriptions, Zhao Yao immediately chose Stealth Dominion. Once the skill activates, all Zhao Yao had to do was to stay by Elizabeth’s side and reap the benefits of automated body strengthening. This skill kept his body in good shape and ensured longevity.

Furthermore, he can even claim this skill for himself.

This was the main thought that drove him to choose Stealth Dominion over the other. Zhao Yao then proceeded to activate the Stealth Dominion skill. He immediately felt a slight lift followed by concealed vibrations within his body. Instantaneously, the sound waves echoed through the room.

Accompanying these waves, Zhao Yao felt a gradual relaxation of his entire body; similar to the feeling one experiences when he or she leaves the city and embracing mother nature. With every inch of his body at ease, Zhao Yao could not have felt any better.

He felt that he was in Heaven.

Accompanying Zhao Yao all this time, both Matcha and Elizabeth felt the changes occurring in their bodies and both turned to Zhao Yao, uttering “What’s this feeling…” uncontrollably.

Zhao Yao gave them a wide grin before explaining to them the effects of Stealth Dominion.

“Elizabeth, from now on, not only will you be able to create hallucinations from sound waves but be able to use sound to gradually strengthen you and your teammates’ fitness !”

“Though the process is slow, it is purely automated. If you persevere for a few years, I’m sure our fitness will improve significantly, not forgetting the fact that our life spans will be extended as well!” Zhao Yao exclaimed zealously.

Elizabeth gave Zhao Yao a look of contempt before mumbling, “what a boring ability”.

In the next moment, she was off with her tail swinging nonchalantly from side to side.

On the other hand, there was dear old Matcha. He sprawled with his back to the ground, muttering, “This is pure bliss” with a look of contentment.

Mango, who was beside Matcha, mimicked his friend and laid comfortably on the ceramic tiles of the room stationarily. Mango’s face lit up with extreme satisfaction.

While Zhao Yao explored Stealth Dominion in greater detail, he realized that this skill’s effective radius can be controlled. After multiple rounds of practices, Zhao Yao was then able to control the effective radius of Stealth Dominion to within his house.

In the midst of trying out his new abilities, Zhao Yao stumbled upon a new problem. It was similar to the problem faced when he tried to exert control over Matcha for the first time, which failed.

There was a probability of failure whenever he tries to activate Elizabeth’s ability.

“The success rate for activation is 60%…” Zhao Yao mumbled to himself as he scrolled through his BOOK’s status, stopping at the panel showing Elizabeth’s loyalty level. After comparing the panel with the success percentage, Zhao Yao had a thought.

“Is the success rate of skill activation directly proportionate with the pet’s loyalty level ?”

“Is this why I never had a problem with Matcha?” Zhao Yao pondered in his mind.

After a few attempts, Zhao Yao whispered softly, “Matcha.”

Immediately, BOOK flipped to Matcha’s profile, allowing Zhao Yao to activate Matcha’s Time Stop again. At the same time, Zhao Yao‘s Stealth Dominion was dispelled. Sound waves from Stealth Dominion can be felt emitting out from Elizabeth, with the vibrations surrounding Zhao Yao ‘s entire body.

Even though the sound waves were invisible to Zhao Yao’s eyes, he felt the same feeling he experienced when he activated Stealth Dominion a while ago.

Looking across at the seemingly nonchalant Elizabeth, who was facing the window, Zhao Yao could not help but smiled sheepishly and thought, ” Wouldn’t hurt to be honest you know? I knew you liked your new ability .”

As the vibrations pulsed through Zhao Yao’s body, he was able to feel the fatigue from long hours of coding. The damage to his health from working overtime as well as remnants of wear and tear in his exhausted body slowly vanished with the help of Stealth Dominion.

Having changed the selected pet in his BOOK to Matcha, Zhao Yao decided to test out timefreeze. He was able to activate timefreeze multiple times with zero failure.

This confirmed his hypothesis.

“So it is true that the success rate of activating a skill is affected by the pet’s loyalty level. Looks like I’ll have to gain Elizabeth’s trust slowly.”

After everything that happened today, Elizabeth was officially registered into Zhao Yao ‘s BOOK, this showed that Elizabeth’s daily consumption of cat’s grains aided her increase in experience points.

Within the next few days, Zhao Yao decided to research on cat food and the different kinds of businesses in the daytime, while following his usual routine at night, patrolling the streets with Matcha and Elizabeth.

Since Elizabeth was now registered in the BOOK, it is possible for Zhao Yao to accomplish missions with her, giving poor old Matcha the occasional respite.

For Elizabeth’s case, she was able to master her new skill within a few days. This allows her to manipulate the effective radius of Stealth Dominion to surround them when needed, allowing them to reduce the level of unwanted attention.

With this routine, everyday was fulfilling despite having to maintain Stealth Dominion all the time. Zhao Yao felt that he was getting stronger day by day, reducing the level of fatigue.

After finishing a patrolling mission tonight, Zhao Yao drove his Panamera back to the garage.

Upon reaching, he opened the car door and gently lifted the fluffy Elizabeth up and headed towards the elevator. Unbeknownst to him, since the time he parked his car, a pair of eyes filled with ill intents had been following their actions.

Bai Quan stood in the shadows of the underground carpark, narrowing his eyes to observe Zhao Yao.

The past few days, he had been trying to contact Xiao Shiqin with little success. She not only applied for leave but also rejected his calls and even blacklisted his name on her WeChat account; wanting to cut off all contact with him.

As a result, he decided to direct all his hatred and anger towards Zhao Yao.

From Bai Quan’s perspective, Zhao Yao used his wealth to tempt Shiqin, causing the change in her affection and thus leaving him.

“So what if you have money? I’ll show you that this world isn’t as simple as you think .” Bai Quan whispered to himself with an icy laugh. He started advancing towards Zhao Yao, with his limps disappearing after the first step. By the second step, he was gone.