A thousand meters underground.

It was dark, cold, and damp.

It was as if no life was willing to survive here.

Even the number of demon beasts had decreased greatly.

Lin Xuan followed the path of the Little Rock Snake and easily found the place where the large group of ghosts gathered.

He was now standing at the edge of a cliff. Under the cliff were pairs of dark green eyes.

Most of the ghosts were as numb and motionless as last time.

However, this time, seemingly because they had smelled a living person, the ghosts closest to Lin Xuan suddenly became restless.

Greed appeared on their numb faces, like hungry wolves.

The Indian martial artist swallowed.

Why did this person bring him here?

The Indian martial artist could not help but speak, wanting to beg this person for mercy, hoping to use India’s information to exchange for his life.

India had originally relied on using force to integrate the nearby forces before forming the current India. Therefore, Indian martial artists were famous among the various large organizations for having a lot of different factions.

It was normal for political orders to not be obeyed outside the capital.

In India, the two major factions, the nobles and the officers, opposed each other. The nobles represented the upper level, and the officers represented the lower level. These two factions frequently fought each other. The only thing they lacked was a coup from time to time.

These two factions could still be further divided. Some of them were friendly with the Knights of Truth, some were friendly with the Arctic Army. Others were closer to the World Salvation Society, and some were even on good terms with High Heaven Plains.

In addition, there was a small group of Indian martial artists who were clamoring for independence every day and did not obey the orders of the capital at all.

This Indian martial artist was from the officer faction and was naturally at odds with the noble faction. If handing over the information could save his life, he could not wait to expose India’s secrets.

He looked at Poison Blade expectantly, waiting for this mysterious person to say something.

Lin Xuan frowned slightly.

What the hell was the other party talking about? He could not understand!

Lin Xuan controlled Poison Blade and held the Indian martial artist in one hand as he slowly descended along the protruding rock wall.

He was looking for a dividing line.

A dividing line that was enough to attract most ghosts without putting himself in danger.

As Poison Blade and the Indian martial artists slowly descended, more and more ghosts’ nostrils twitched as their green eyes stared fixedly in a certain direction.

Finally, at a certain moment, the ghost closest to the two of them pounced over instinctively.

Its actions immediately became the fuse to ignite the gunpowder barrel.

In an instant, all the ghosts under the cliff surged over crazily. Countless green and greedy eyes stared at the two of them, wishing they could skin them alive.

The Indian martial artists were frightened out of their wits.

The mystic realm of Sunrise City was much safer than the mystic realm of the Little Spirit Mountain. He had never seen such a terrifying scene.

Lin Xuan knew that his goal had been achieved. He jumped up and the strength in his legs erupted. Soon, he returned to the top of the cliff.

He turned around and saw that the ghosts were still chasing after him.

After a rough count, the number of ghosts also exceeded 20,000. It was not much different from the number of ghosts that had attacked Colony Three last night.

Lin Xuan nodded in satisfaction and headed straight for the cave where the Indian martial artists were gathered.

His Agility was very high, and his presence was weakened. Even if he ran, he would not make a sound.

Needless to say, the ghosts roared silently and flew silently.

He led the large group of ghosts and quickly arrived at his destination.

Then, he directly knocked out the Indian martial artist and threw him in.

He used Lightning Wind to quickly distance himself from the ghosts and quickly hid.

The ghosts smelled an even denser human smell. Like flies that had smelled rotten meat, they completely ignored Lin Xuan and directly surged into the cave where the Indian martial artists were gathered.

Soon, panicked cries sounded, followed by wails, screams, roars, and desperate struggles at the moment of death.

All kinds of sounds intertwined and echoed in the underground cave more than 800 meters deep.


An explosion suddenly sounded. Then, a frost dragon suddenly killed many ghosts and even blasted open a portion of the rock wall.

A figure escaped in fear.

The other parts of his body had not changed at all, but his entire right arm was shriveled and thin. The flesh and blood had almost disappeared, leaving only a thin skin stuck to his bones.

Just now, his right arm had been targeted by a ghost. In less than three seconds, the other party had sucked away all the life force in his right arm.

Fortunately, his staff had its own Ice Dragon Technique. It blasted open the ghosts that blocked his path and the rock wall, allowing him to escape.

The ghosts did not chase after him. Instead, they continued to enjoy the feast of flesh and blood.

Between a fleeing food and a group of food that had not escaped, the ghosts made a judgment based on instinct.

Only then did the other party escape.

“How can this be?! Logically speaking, since we have that thing, it’s impossible for the ghosts to find us!”

This Indian martial artist had a frightened expression. The sounds of his compatriots dying continuously sounded in his ears.

He turned around and saw a ghost enter his companion’s body through its mouth and nose. It quickly transformed the person into a puppet and used him to pick up weapons and kill the other martial artists.

“Escape, we have to escape immediately! I want to tell the headquarters about this!”

The Indian martial artists did not dare to turn around. Giving up on their comrades was not a big deal. The sudden attack of these ghosts was what was worth the headquarters’ attention.

“Escape? Where do you think you’re going?”

Then, he felt a cold wind brush past his neck. An intense pain quickly spread from the wound to his entire body.

A sense of powerlessness swept through his limbs, and darkness covered his eyes. He suddenly felt sleepy and numb.

The only Indian martial artist who had escaped was also killed by Poison Blade, who had long been hiding nearby.

Soon, these ghosts left the cave in satisfaction and returned to a thousand meters underground.

After all the ghosts left after eating the buffet, Lin Xuan controlled Poison Blade to enter the cave.

The scene in the cave could not be said to be quiet and peaceful. At the very least, it could be said to be tragic.

Corpses were scattered on the ground, and their flesh and blood were completely shriveled. Their vitality had been plundered, and they were like dried corpses.

What was even more strange was that there was almost no blood on the ground.

Lin Xuan also felt a chill in his heart.

The only possibility was that the blood had been licked clean by the ghost.

As for the various equipment and skill books that dropped on the ground, Lin Xuan suppressed his greed and did not take them all. He only chose a few peerless golden skill books and equipment that were suitable for him.

He wanted to disguise this scene as a ghost invasion and use it to explain why no one survived.

In this way, the Indian martial artists would not be too vigilant. At most, they would only be heartbroken about how they had suddenly provoked the ghosts.

Then, Lin Xuan discovered something important.

The crystal skull of a strange bird.

Lin Xuan was slightly surprised.

“I see. I used this thing to restrain the smell of humans here and prevent it from dissipating. This way, they won’t be targeted by ghosts.”

“There are so many treasures in India.”

Lin Xuan did not touch this thing.

Ghosts only plundered vitality and would not touch this crystal skull.

If he took it, he would be exposed.

After doing this, Lin Xuan mentally retraced his steps. He did not find any loopholes and quickly left.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t find any useful information. If only they had marked the caves where all the Indian martial artists gathered and recorded them on a map.”

Lin Xuan felt a little regretful.

However, he felt that the Indian martial artists should not be so stupid. The risk was too high.

If a group was really discovered by the Construction Division, the enemy could directly follow the clues and kill all the hidden Indian martial artists.

Then, Lin Xuan got Poison Blade to take off all his equipment and place them in his consciousness space before directly removing his avatar.

The 800-meter-deep underground cave returned to silence, but this time, it really became dead silence.

On the ground, in an abandoned temple, Lin Xuan checked his spoils of war excitedly.

Peerless golden skill, Magic Power Burst!

Peerless golden equipment, Hermes Boots!

The effect of Magic Power Burst was: Consumes 30% of magic power, causing the magic power consumption of all spells to decrease by 30% for 20 minutes. The cooldown time of all spells is reduced by 30%.

The effect of the Hermes Boots was: Movement Speed+30%, and a random gain state that lasted for 1 hour every 24 hours. The current gain state was “Blessing”, and all attributes+2%.

Be it the Magic Power Burst or the Hermes Boots, they were both rather good. No wonder India had arranged for them to be sent to the Little Spirit Mountain. They had some strength.

“These Hermes Boots seem to be produced in the mystic realm of the Knights of Truth, right? I wonder how these Indian martial artists obtained it… Could it be that they secretly made deals?”

Lin Xuan learned Magic Power Burst and equipped the Hermes Boots before getting up to return to the third gathering place.

When Poison Blade was working in the underground cave just now, he had also possessed another demon beast.

After learning his lesson from the Little Rock Snake, he simply tamed a Bloodsucking Mosquito this time.

It was only the size of a palm and was even more silent than the Little Rock Snake.

With this Bloodsucking Mosquito, he might be able to discover more Indian martial artists hiding in the underground cave.

“If there are such underground caves near Colony Three, there must also be such caves near Colony One and Colony Two. I’m afraid I have to hurry and also pay a visit to these Indian martial artists in those two underground caves.”

Lin Xuan returned to Colony Three not long after.

Of course, he was not idle after returning. Instead, he was planning to earn some essence from his side business.

“Silver Fox said that the price of the Life Potion in Colony Three is quite high. I can buy the materials and make the Life Potion to earn money.”

“In this way, my level can also increase quickly.”

A day later.

A figure appeared in the 800-meter-deep cave.

This person was a standard Chinese martial artist and not an Indian martial artist.

He hummed a tune and headed straight for the cave.

“Everyone, I brought the curry you wanted…”

Before he could finish speaking, he froze on the spot, and great fear rose on his face.

A huge hole was actually blasted open in the cave.

His heart skipped a beat.

He was incomparably nervous and hurriedly walked towards the cave.

The next moment, an incomparably tragic scene appeared.

The Indian spy could not help but hold his breath.

So many Indian martial artists, all of whom were elites, were actually all dead!

Moreover, their life force had undoubtedly been sucked away by the ghosts!

“This is bad! Something big has happened!” The Indian spy hurriedly left to report to the others.

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